Sinha says people in poverty m...

Sinha says people in poverty may experience multiple

 In just a few weeks, this will be the site of what Doherty describes as a warm community space. Every Monday, the venue will be open to locals, including those who aren"t able to heat their homes. A nearby supermarket has promised to donate buns and cakes. Doherty excitedly explores the kitchen to one side of the hall where people will be able to make coffee and tea. There"ll be arts and crafts and other activities so visitors will have lots of reasons to come and enjoy the warmth. He and his fellow volunteers are organising two additional warm spaces besides this one.

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駡з EK]"(/v ҃JQ:ʸx+ C;Ol餭?ڻj :: ѹŧС 2022-11-19 15:05:05

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